TM02 - Trilho do Pico Queimado
Difficulty Medium
Distance 2.47km
Duration 2h
This municipal trail begins 3 kilometers away from the Mediana which is a secondary highway, facing (north-south) Santa Barbara – Cabouco. Its name stems from the , famous historian Gaspar Fructuoso ‘s quote“at the time the owner of these lands was a shoemaker”.
This trail is approximately 2.5 km long, and is high in volcanological and scenic interests. It was here, in jJuly 1563, that the volcanic eruption of the Pico do Sapateiro took place, also known since then as Pico Queimado During your walk you can enjoy the views along the coast line, especially of the city of Ribeira Grande as well as the western side of São Miguel island, from Fogo volcano to Sete Cidades volcano.
Points of Interest?
- A basaltic rock resulting from a very fluid lava flow (pahoehoe type) from Pico Queimado eruption. This eruption formed two lava rivers and this one flowed northwest, heading to Rabo de Peixe village. Because of the advancing lava flow some fractures opened in the ground and some agriculture fields were destroyed.
- Pico Queimado fracture – a 6 meters deep volcanic fracture; one of those opened in the course of the eruption, with northwest-southeast orientation. It must only be explored by experienced speleologists and with the adequate material.
- Pico Queimado volcanic pit – a 37 meters deep volcanic cave. The volcanic pits are old volcanic necks or conduits where the lava was drained; they are vertical to sub-vertical. It must only be explored by experienced speleologists and with the adequate material.
- Panoramic view of the north coast of São Miguel island, with special emphasis on Ribeira Grande town located on the northern flank of the Fogo Volcano. The lava river which flowed towards the east, went along the Ribeira do Vilão and Ribeira Seca (streams) reaching the Ribeira Seca village where an fountain can be found buried in those historical lavas.
- Panoramic view of Fogo Volcano - trachytic polygenetic volcano, formed over several phases in the last 300,000 years. With a maximum altitude of 947 meters (at Pico da Barrosa), has a collapse caldera at the top, being the youngest (15,000 years) and smaller (mean diameter of 2.8 km) from the São Miguel island.
- Panoramic view of Picos volcanic complex and the Sete Cidades Volcano.
- The first one is a volcanic ridge with over 200 volcanic cones aligned along northwest-southeast and west-east fractures between the Fogo Volcano and the Sete Cidades Volcano.
- The Sete Cidades Volcano is trachytic and polygenetic volcano. It was formed over several phases in the last 800,000 years. With a maximum altitude of 851 meters (at Pico da Cruz), it has a nearly circular collapse caldera at the top with an average diameter of 5.3 km.
- The Pico Queimado crater, with about 100 meters of maximum diameter trough a northwest-southeast orientation, is located at the top of the trachytic dome (formerly called Pico do Sapateiro). It is where occured a basaltic eruption with emissions of pyroclasts, lava flows and a dark eruptive column, in 1563.
Emergency number:112
RG Firefighters:296 472 318