Ribeira GrandeNewsCurrent

Santas fill Ribeira Grande with joy and enthusiasm

Pais natais enchem a Ribeira Grande de alegria e entusiasmo
Pais natais enchem a Ribeira Grande de alegria e entusiasmo
Pais natais enchem a Ribeira Grande de alegria e entusiasmo
Pais natais enchem a Ribeira Grande de alegria e entusiasmo
Pais natais enchem a Ribeira Grande de alegria e entusiasmo
Pais natais enchem a Ribeira Grande de alegria e entusiasmo
Pais natais enchem a Ribeira Grande de alegria e entusiasmo
Pais natais enchem a Ribeira Grande de alegria e entusiasmo

Sent at 2015-12-16 | Current

About two thousand children and youngsters of kindergartens and schools in the municipality of Ribeira Grande filled the Direita street of the town with joy, enthusiasm and lots of entertainment as part of the traditional Santas parade, an event included in the Christmas celebrations promoted by the municipality.

A strong participation in the event reconfirmed that this parade is a defining moment for the children and youth of the municipality who, through the enthusiasm they convey, grant a strong Christmas spirit to the historic centre of the city.

The parade began at 10.00 am near the Franciscan Live Museum and ran along the main artery of the city, up to the Cascata square, through the building of the Town Hall, where the participants were welcomed by the city council executive board, chaired by Alexandre Gaudêncio.

The final concentration occurred in the Cascata square where children and youth, dressed to the occasion and accompanied by their teachers, participated in the entertainment provided by the students of the vocational school of Ribeira Grande, ending with the group photo for posterity.

Concluding the parade, the mayor of Ribeira Grande, Alexandre Gaudêncio, praised the "dedication and commitment of everyone in the organization of the event", taking the opportunity to "invite all children to attend the Christmas Village", an event taking place from Thursday and Sunday at the Hintze Ribeiro square.

The Primary Schools of Conceição, Matriz, Foros, Ribeirinha, Ribeira Seca and Santa Bárbara, the vocational school of Ribeira Grande and several nurseries, kindergartens and day centres of different institutions participated in the parade, namely: The Wellness Centre Jacinto Ferreira Cabido, The Centre for Social Support and Home Bernardo Estrela and Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Ribeira Grande, the latter with several valences.