Ribeira GrandeNewsCurrent

Christmas Village of Ribeira Grande filled with animation for children

Sent at 2015-12-16 | Current

The Hintze Ribeiro square, in Ribeira Grande, will gain new colours and lots of entertainment for the little ones with the second edition of the Christmas Village, an event that will turn the renovated square into a real Christmas tale and make this season unforgettable.

The holiday atmosphere is guaranteed with the colorful lighting and there will be lots of events for children and young people and also for parents and grandparents who can have fun together with their children and grandchildren.

The magic of Christmas will rule over four days, with an opening scheduled for 5 pm on Thursday (December 17th) and closing on Sunday night (December 20th), with fireworks (9.30 pm).

The Christmas Village will include the traditional Christmas tree, surrounded by a magical world arousing the interest of children. Santa's home, the Disney mascots, snow or face painting are just some of the attractions that promise to delight the little ones.

But there will also be carousels, Christmas tales, the caterpillar train and, for parents and grandparents, we offer the Christmas Little Market with the presence of several traders.

The magical world of the Christmas Village will feature several moments of street entertainment, theatre, and music with the performance of Sara Cruz on Saturday evening, followed by DJ André Borges.