Ribeira GrandeNewsCulture

Óptica Central wins competition on the night when it snowed in Ribeira Grande

Ótica Central vence concurso na noite em que se viu neve na Ribeira Grande
Ótica Central vence concurso na noite em que se viu neve na Ribeira Grande
Ótica Central vence concurso na noite em que se viu neve na Ribeira Grande
Ótica Central vence concurso na noite em que se viu neve na Ribeira Grande
Ótica Central vence concurso na noite em que se viu neve na Ribeira Grande

Sent at 2015-12-09 | Culture

Ribeira Grande dressed up once again and was packed with people all along Rua Direita - from the Franciscan Living Museum to the Town Hall - for one more storefront night, whose main attraction for the children was the snow that fell giving rise to great enthusiasm and joy among the youngest ones.

The Town Council and the Ribeira Grande Entrepreneurial Association were jointly responsible for organizing this storefront night that included many entertaining events across the city's historic centre; the highlight of the night was the parade with Santa Claus' car, brightened this year by the snow that fell during the entire event.

There was also a storefront competition involving nearly thirty shops that refined their decorations specifically for the event; the first prize was awarded to Óptica Central da Ribeira Grande, precisely on the day when the city was able to enjoy the snow.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Ribeira Grande pharmacy won second place, while the third prize was awarded to Look Fashion, the shop that had won the competition in 2013 and 2014. The judges also attributed honourable mentions to the Tutti-Frutti fruit shop and Gabinete a+e.

Additionally, the festivities in honour of Our Lady of Conception included the typical parade of the "charanga" of the volunteer fire brigade of Ribeira Grande and the Bombomania drum group, ending with a music concert and a fashion show on the stairs of the church of Conceição that brought together hundreds of people.