Ribeira GrandeParishesCalhetas

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The parish of Calheta sis about 11,4 kms away from the city of Ponta Delgada and 9,1 Kms of the municipality seat, the city of Ribeira Grande.

The name of the parish goes back to the reefs and other rocks – calhetas ou calhaus – standing out this shoreline. Gaspar Frutuoso describes ir as this: “from Rabo de Peixe to a third of a mile away, there are the calhetas (inlets) at the head-lands and offshore reefs, a place to catch a lot of fish with nets and make good fishing…”

The exact date of its populating start is unknown, although, it is believed that it goes back to the XV th century and it was made a parish in 1924.

The parish church, dedicated to Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem, got its actual features in 1830, when the first church turned excessively crowded. Calhetas celebrates its patron saint, on the fourth Sunday in September.

Another building of interest is the Monastery of Nossa Senhora das Mercês. This construction from the XXth century, lodges in conclave the Clarrisa sisters dedicated to contemplation and charity works. According to a remark of Carreiro da Costa “tea started on São Miguel around 1820 with the arrival of same seeds brought from Brasil by the micaelense Jacinto Leite that he used on one of his properties, in Calhetas”.

Demographic chart of Ribeira Grande Parishes